22.7 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024



“Don’t protest against the president.” Pressure on the family of the opposition in Tajikistan

A group of opponents of the Tajik government in Europe said that the authorities have increased pressure on their relatives inside the country for...

Moscow May Seize Private US Assets in Russia if US Seizes Frozen Reserves Says Putin Ally

Russia may respond to any U.S. confiscation of its currency reserves frozen in the West by seizing the assets, including property and cash, of...

‘There is still time’ – Jake Paul and Mike Tyson urged to cancel fight as former champion’s latest training video divides fans

Jake Paul and Mike Tyson have been encouraged to cancel their 'mismatch' showdown.'Iron Mike' is set to step back in the ring aged 58...

‘Israeli army not ready for war’: Yitzhak Brick

Polls show that a large percentage of Israeli citizens have lost faith in the future of their nationMajor General (Reserve) in the Israeli Army,...

Sri Lanka ends visas for hundreds of thousands of Russians staying there to avoid war

Sri Lanka has told hundreds of thousands of Russians and some Ukrainians staying in the country to escape the war that they must leave in the next...

Putin Signs Decree Calling up 150,000 Citizens for Statutory Military Service

All men in Russia are required to do a year-long military service, or equivalent training during higher education, from the age of 18.Russian President...

Russia’s war effort may not be as formidable as it looks

Russia’s war machine has shown remarkable stamina despite the hundreds of thousands of troops it is estimated to have lost in Ukraine. But under the...


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