22.7 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024



“NCIS pathologist” David McCallum dies at 90

Vienna, Brussels (26/9 – 36)David McCallum - the British actor who played as Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard, a pathologist on hit CBS TV program...

Filmmaker Shuts Down Question About Lack of Diversity in New Movie: ‘It Takes Place in Denmark in the 1750s’

A Danish movie star and filmmaker were stunned when a reporter asked about the lack of diversity in their new film, "The Promised Land," which takes...

Barbie Becomes Finland’s Most Watched Film of the Year

Greta Gerwig's Barbie film has sold over 303,000 tickets since its release, making it the highest-grossing film of the year in Finland. The film premiered on...

Bowen Yang ‘Almost Died’ Filming ‘Nora from Queens’ in Iceland During a Horse-Riding Accident

Bowen Yang is trying to get back on the horse after a production mishap.The “SNL” star detailed how while filming “Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens” Season...

Mission Impossible: Mayor in Norway Admits He Secretly Kept Tom Cruise’s Stunt Bikes

A mayor in Norway, who was supposed to destroy motorbikes used in the latest Mission: Impossible movie, has admitted he set out on a cheeky...

Ronan Keating Set to Perform at Finnish Festival Amid Heartbreak Over Older Brother’s Death

Ronan Keating is set to perform at a festival in Finland a week after the tragic death of his brother Ciaran.The car salesman aged in his 50s died...

Netflix preps Nordic drama ‘Midsummer Night’ from The Global Ensemble Drama

Netflix has unveiled the cast for its upcoming Nordic drama Midsummer Night, which has been created and directed by Quicksand‘s Per-Olav Sørensen.The show explores how a...


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