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HomeFinlandFinland Must Demand Gaza Ceasefire, Urges SDP's Nasima Razmyar Amid Humanitarian Crisis

Finland Must Demand Gaza Ceasefire, Urges SDP’s Nasima Razmyar Amid Humanitarian Crisis


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Nasima Razmyar, the First Deputy Chairperson of Finland’s Social Democratic Party (SDP), has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, underscoring the dire humanitarian situation endangering civilian lives. Razmyar’s urgent plea highlights the critical need for Finland to advocate for the cessation of hostilities, the release of hostages, and the allowance of aid deliveries to the conflict-stricken region.

The recent offensive by Hamas has led to devastating suffering in both Israel and Gaza, triggering a severe humanitarian crisis. According to estimates, approximately 1,400 Israelis have perished, and 200 have been taken hostage following the attacks. On the Gaza side, the death toll has exceeded 6,000. The situation in the Middle East remains acutely critical, with growing risks of the conflict escalating further. Finland, along with the European Union (EU), must act within the bounds of international and humanitarian law in such conflicts.

Razmyar pointed to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres‘ statement to the Security Council, condemning collective punishment of Palestinians following Hamas’s strikes. The situation in Gaza is alarming, with the population facing shortages of food, water, medicine, and electricity. Razmyar emphasized that Israel’s ongoing bombardment must cease to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, calling the blockade illegal and a cause of untold human suffering.

Finland, in line with the UN and in collaboration with the EU, should demand an immediate ceasefire and the facilitation of humanitarian aid to the region, stated Razmyar. She stressed the importance of condemning the barbaric use of civilians as a tool in warfare, noting that peace cannot be achieved through the killing of innocent people. Razmyar criticized potential restrictions on visas for UN workers, which she sees as contrary to humanitarian principles and a hindrance to aid delivery in Palestinian territories.

The escalating crisis sheds a grim light on the possibility of peace, preceded by a long-standing conflict and mutual suffering. The current situation, Razmyar remarks, also reflects the failure of the international community. In the long term, she echoes EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Joseph Borrell’s sentiments that the only path to peace is through the implementation of a two-state solution, allowing people to live in peace and security. The UN and the EU must commit jointly to achieving peace and supporting the process. Razmyar concludes that the immediate focus, however, must be on addressing the acute crisis and protecting civilian lives.

Source: Helsinki Times

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