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HomeFinlandHS Investigation: Finns Party Support More Popular in Municipalities With Fewer Immigrants

HS Investigation: Finns Party Support More Popular in Municipalities With Fewer Immigrants


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Support for the Finns Party is higher in municipalities where only a small proportion of the population are immigrants, newspaper Helsingin Sanomat reported.

HS made its calculation based on data available from Statistics Finland.

The study showed that the proportion of foreign background people in a municipality and support for the Finns Party were negatively correlated. This means that more diverse municipalities generally had less support for the Finns Party.

HS calculated the correlation between the municipaly’s support for the Finns in the Parliamentary elections earlier this year and the share of foreign-born residents in the municipality.

Since joining the government coalition after the elections, the Finns Party has been rocked by successive racism scandals.

Vilhelm Junnila (Finns) resigned in June due to his far right comments and ties, Finance Minister and Finns Party chair Riikka Purra‘s racist comments surfaced earlier this month and last week Economic Affairs Minister Ville Rydman‘s (Finns) racist messages to a former partner were published by the paper HS.

Source: Yle

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