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HomeGlobal NewsTns Goes Live in Nasdaq Nordic Colo Data Centre

Tns Goes Live in Nasdaq Nordic Colo Data Centre


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Transaction Network Services (TNS) is now live within the Nasdaq Nordic colocation data centre enabling the business to offer managed hosting services and exchange access via Layer 1 connectivity to Nasdaq Nordic’s Equity and Derivatives markets.  

This new location has been integrated into the TNS low latency network, allowing TNS to provide firms – including market data vendors and exchange members – with market data and order entry access to the Nasdaq Nordic equities and derivatives markets and any location on the TNS backbone around the world. 
Based in Stockholm, Nasdaq Nordic operates equities markets in the Nordic and Baltic regions of Europe. This covers the Baltic, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Iceland and Stockholm markets. In addition to equities, it also operates derivatives exchanges that offer stock index futures including OMXS30 futures and energy derivatives.

Source: Hedge Week

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